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Expanding Reading Instructions with ML

The February 2024 Focus Bulletin from the University of Wisconsin-Madison explores the topic of expanding reading instruction with multilingual learners. The bulletin highlights the need for educators to consider the unique needs and assets of multilingual learners in their literacy programs and approaches.

Key Sections
Meet the Educators: The bulletin introduces four educators from different parts of the United States who have partnered with WIDA to explore inclusive reading practices for multilingual learners. Each educator shares their approach and strategies for expanding reading instruction.
Learn About and Connect to Students' Lived Experience: This section emphasizes the importance of tapping into students' background knowledge and experiences to enhance reading comprehension. It provides examples of activities and discussions that help students make connections between their own lives and the texts they read.
Learn About and Connect to Students' Languages and Knowledge About Languages: The bulletin highlights the value of students' bilingualism and encourages educators to incorporate students' languages into reading instruction. It suggests using cognates and exploring word roots to strengthen students' word knowledge across languages.
Prioritize Oral Language Development (Speaking and Listening): This section emphasizes the crucial role of oral language development in reading comprehension. It explains how listening comprehension is a foundation for reading comprehension and provides examples of activities that promote meaningful oral interaction and discussion among students.
Strengthen Word Knowledge: The bulletin challenges the deficit-based myth of the "word gap" and highlights the rich vocabulary knowledge that multilingual learners bring to the classroom. It suggests using cognates and embedding word instruction in meaningful contexts to build on students' existing word knowledge.


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